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自20世纪80年代起,云南保山潞江坝胡椒种植面积逐渐萎缩,经调查分析,该地区冬春季节低温干旱的气候条件、管理粗放、连作障碍等导致胡椒旱衰和死亡是种植面积大幅萎缩的主要原因;作者在此基础上提出了该区胡椒产业发展的建议。  相似文献   
本文论述了退耕还林管理信息系统应用软件的研制及主要功能、特点。该软件主要为黑龙江省各级林业部门提供有关退耕还林管理的辅助决策服务;它是集地理信息、管理信息、资源信息、动态信息于一体的应用软件。  相似文献   
干热河谷和干旱山地的人工混播造林试验,于1991~1992年在永胜大龙潭、猫猫山和水平水泄3个造林困难的地区进行。选用车桑子、山毛豆、银合欢、滇合欢、银荆、黑荆等树种进行人工混播造林试验。还分别进行了云南松与车桑子、银荆、黑荆、滇合欢、红木荷、金合欢的混播造林试验。经3、4年的试验,通过对各参试树种的种质评价,落种状况、出苗率、成苗率和各成苗期,苗木生长状况的观测。得出以车桑子、山毛豆、银合欢作为干热河谷和干旱山地的混播造林种较好。可在今后形成多树种,多层次的林分环境。  相似文献   
金沙江干热河谷生态问题与退耕还林技术模式的研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
通过对金沙江干热河谷生态环境和经营条件分析,提出适合金沙江流域不同海拔和立地条件的退耕还林的技术模式,论述了经济林模式、生态林模式、用材林模式和林草混交立体模式的适用立地条件、造林树种、经营技术及经济效益。  相似文献   
【目的】研究臭氧胁迫对不同敏感型水稻物质生产与分配的影响,为耐性水稻品种的选育提供参考。【方法】利用自然光气体熏蒸平台,以23个水稻品种或株系为供试材料,设置室内对照(臭氧浓度为10 nL/L)和臭氧浓度增高臭氧浓度为(100 nL/L)处理,研究臭氧胁迫对水稻成熟期地上部物质积累与分配的影响及其与最终生长量响应的关系。采用组内最小平方和的动态聚类方法,将所有供试材料按地上部最终生物量对臭氧胁迫的响应从小到大依次分为A、B和C三类不同敏感型水稻。【结果】与对照相比,臭氧胁迫使A、B和C类水稻成熟期地上部干质量平均分别下降19%、39%和52%,B和C类达极显著水平。臭氧胁迫使A类水稻成熟期叶片干质量略增,但使B类(–11%)、C类水稻(–25%)极显著下降。臭氧胁迫下A、B和C类水稻的茎秆和稻穗干质量均显著或极显著下降,其中茎秆干质量分别下降26%、41%和57%,稻穗干质量分别下降34%、59%和62%。臭氧胁迫使叶片占地上部干质量的比例大幅增加(+46%),而茎秆(–8%)和稻穗(–24%)占地上部干质量的比例极显著下降。臭氧处理与水稻类型对上述参数均有不同程度的交互作用,表现为A类水稻对臭氧的响应明显小于其他两类水稻。【结论】100 nL/L臭氧浓度严重影响水稻器官建成,减少光合产物向茎秆和稻穗的分配比例,但使叶片干质量比例大幅增加,臭氧熏蒸还导致茎秆机械强度明显下降。这些变化敏感水稻总体上较钝感类型水稻表现更为明显。  相似文献   
Cañahua (Chenopodium pallidicaule Aellen) is a semi‐domesticated relative of quinoa (Chenopodium quinoa Willd.) with high nutritious quality. It is tolerant to frost, drought, saline soils and pests. One seed yield limitation is seed loss during the maturity stages. Two greenhouse experiments in Denmark and field experiments in Bolivia were carried out to determine seed shattering in landraces and cultivars with different growth habits. 15–21 % of the seed shattering in the fields took place whilst the plants still were flowering and 25–35 % during physiological maturity. Seed shattering varied between locations on the Bolivian Altiplano. Cañahua types with the semi‐prostrate growth (‘lasta’) had the highest seed shattering rate in the greenhouse experiments. The Umacutama landrace had lower seed shattering (1 %) than the cultivar Kullaca (7.2 %) both of the ‘lasta’ type. Under field conditions, the cultivar Illimani with the erect growth (‘saihua’) had the highest seed shattering rate (6.4–33.7 %) at both locations and at four different sowing dates. The Umacutama had the lowest rate (0.5–1.5 %). There were no significant differences between plants of the ‘lasta’ and the ‘saihua’ types. The landrace had significantly less seed loss than the cultivars. However, in the greenhouse, the landrace yield was approximately 25 % lower than the yields of the cultivars. In general, cañahua cultivars had higher yield compared to landraces, but also a higher seed shattering rate. Landraces may be used in breeding programmes to develop high‐yielding cultivars with reduced seed shattering.  相似文献   
南果梨周年干物质与氮磷钾积累动态   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
【目的】明确南果梨干物质积累特征和氮磷钾养分周年动态积累规律,为南果梨优化施肥量和施肥时期提供依据。【方法】以12年生南果梨树为试材,采用田间采样和树体分解方法,分别于萌芽后10 d(萌芽期)、 30 d(花期)、 65 d(幼果膨大期)、 100 d(果实膨大或新稍停止生长期)、 130 d(果实着色前)、 155 d(果实采收期)、 185 d(采收后)、 210 d(落叶前)8个生育期,选干周和树高一致的3株树,将树体连根从土壤中挖出,分出果实、 叶片、 枝条、 主干、 主根、 侧根、 须根,各器官单独称重,并取200 g左右的鲜样按清水、 洗涤剂、 清水、 1%盐酸、 3次去离子水冲洗、 杀青、 烘干后,电磨粉碎过0.15 mm筛,测定样品中氮、 磷、 钾含量。【结果】1)南果梨周年生育期内,树体干物质当年净积累量为18.4 kg/plant,干物质累积速率出现两次累积高峰,分别是幼果膨大期(0.15 kg/d)和采收期(0.11 kg/d)。2)南果梨树体总氮周年积累量为154.0~301.0 g,新生器官为0~116.2 g,果实膨大期达到最高;多年生器官氮积累量为154.0~194.8 g,落叶前达到最高。3)南果梨树体总磷周年积累量为17.1~37.2 g,果实着色前最高。其中新生器官为13.7 g,果实采收期最高;多年生器官为17.1~24.9 g,果实转色期最高。4)南果梨树体总钾周年积累量为27.9~174 g。新生器官钾为97.3 g,采收期最高;多年生器官钾为27.6~76.6 g,落叶前最高。5)产量大约为17 t/hm2的12年生南果梨从萌芽到落叶前树体当年氮磷钾的单株净累积量分别为146.2、 20.1、 146.1 g,折合1000 kg果实经济产量需吸收氮(N)、 磷(P)、 钾(K)5.4、 0.7、 5.4 kg。【结论】南果梨周年干物质单株积累总量为41.4 kg,当年净积累量为19.7 kg。南果梨干物质积累主要集中在花期到果实膨大期和果实转色到落叶前,分别占47.3% 和47.5%。南果梨从萌芽到落叶前氮、 磷、 钾的单株净累积量分别为146.2、 20.1、 146.1 g,每1000 kg果实经济产量需吸收氮(N)、 磷(P)、 钾(K)5.4、 0.7、 5.4 kg。从开花到果实膨大期和从果实着色到采收后30天对氮吸收分别占总氮累积量的39.0%和49.0%,而磷、 钾的累积从萌芽到开花较快,到果实膨大期磷的累积达67.4%,钾的累积达65.1%,果实膨大期是干物质和氮磷钾积累的关键时期。  相似文献   
Assessing factors influencing phosphorus (P) availability in soils is important in preventing its overexploitation and excessive application in agricultural systems. Despite high historical P applications in the federal state of Brandenburg (Germany), county data on soil test P (STP) reveal considerable disparities in soil available P. In addition, negative soil balances as a result of small mineral P and manure inputs have been observed, raising questions about the factors leading to this situation. Our work focused on identifying possible causes operating at the farm management level by conducting a letter survey in two administrative districts of Brandenburg, the counties Barnim and Uckermark, linking farm management factors (ownership type, farm size, land tenure, animal husbandry with or without grassland and its intensity, presence of a biogas plant and organic production) to farmers’ self‐indicated levels of STP. Small‐ to medium‐sized individual farms tended to have (very) high STP, while large partnership farms and companies/cooperatives were sensitive to factors resulting in low STP. Farms with low shares of land ownership, the presence of grassland, extensive cattle farming and stockless organic farming had lower STP. On the other hand, biogas plants, partly in combination with intensive livestock (cattle) farming, were associated with larger STP. It was concluded that more care should be devoted to the design of agricultural policies and that further (inter‐ and transdisciplinary) research on this topic is needed.  相似文献   
Soft‐shell crab, a newly moulted crab having non‐calcified and hydrated soft exoskeleton, farming has been increasing tremendously in recent years throughout the world due to its high market price and consumer preferences. However, high aggressiveness and cannibalistic behaviour of mud crab limit its culture to an individual chamber system which ultimately makes the soft‐shell mud crab farming space and labour‐intensive. Therefore, the aim of this study was to improve the efficiency of soft‐shell crab production by autotomy of the claw and/or walking legs to reduce the moulting duration and intensify the culture system through double stocking in the existing individual chamber culture system. To achieve our objectives, a series of experiment were conducted at both indoor and on‐farm levels by removing the claw and/or walking legs of Scylla olivacea for two consecutive moulting cycles. Results showed that both claw ablation significantly (p < .01) shortened the moulting duration and increased the carapace width, weight gain, specific growth rate, feeding efficiency and yield parameter compared to the non‐ablated crabs more prominently at 1st moulting than the 2nd moulting in both indoor and on‐farm trials. Ablation of all walking legs while keeping the claw intact did not significantly influence (p > .05) the moulting duration and carapace width, but significantly (p < .01) improved the specific growth rate, weight gain, feeding efficiency and yield parameters at 1st moulting compared to the non‐ablation and unilateral three walking leg ablation groups. However, ablation of all appendages (both claw and walking legs) showed significant (p < .01) improvements of carapace width, weight gain, specific growth rate, feeding efficiency and yield parameters, and shortened the moulting duration up to 23 days from 34 days during 1st moulting and up to 27 days from 40 days at 2nd moulting. The survivals of different autotomized mud crabs were statistically non‐significant (p > .05) to the non‐autotomized crabs in various indoor and on‐farm trials. Besides improving the production performances, ablation of bilateral claw and all appendages allowed to double the stocking density in the existing individual chamber‐based soft‐shell crab farming that enhanced the production about threefold higher than the existing individual chamber‐based culture system. Finally, our results suggest that autotomy could be a promising technology for the commercial farming of soft‐shell mud crab in near future.  相似文献   
【目的】探讨江汉平原地区适雨灌溉条件下不同施肥模式对机插稻稻田水环境及水稻生长的影响,为当地机插稻水肥管理措施的改善提供理论和数据支撑。【方法】采用田间小区试验,研究了适雨灌溉条件下,农民习惯施肥(FFP)、70%控释掺混肥+30%尿素(70%CRF+30%N)和有机无机复混肥(OIF)对稻田降雨利用率、田面水氮磷质量浓度的动态变化与径流流失量、干物质积累及水稻产量的影响。【结果】适雨灌溉下,返青期、分蘖期、拔节孕穗期和灌浆成熟期的降雨利用率分别为17.5%、100%、100%和84.2%;基肥和分蘖肥施用过后,FFP、70%CRF+30%N和OIF处理田面水TN、NH4+-N和TP质量浓度迅速提高,在第1天达到峰值,水稻移栽后30 d内70%CRF+30%N处理田面水TN、NH4+-N和TP的平均质量浓度较FFP处理分别降低40.4%、47.4%和0.5%;稻田氮磷径流流失量的90%左右在返青期,10%左右在灌浆成熟期,70%CRF+30%N处理TN、NH4+-N和TP径流损失量较FFP处理分别降低31.4%、30.9%、1.9%;70%CRF+30%N处理在返青期干物质积累量显著低于FFP和OIF处理,移栽-返青期阶段干物质积累量占总积累量比例表现为FFP处理>OIF处理>70%CRF+30%N处理,成熟期OIF处理干物质积累量显著高于70%CRF+30%N和FFP处理,实际产量表现为OIF处理>70%CRF+30%N处理>FFP处理。【结论】适雨灌溉条件下,70%CRF+30%N处理有助于减少稻田氮素流失,OIF处理有助于机插稻干物质积累与产量的增加。  相似文献   
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